How I Plan Our European Adventures

How I Plan Our European Adventures

Since moving to Germany, it has become my responsibility to book and arrange pretty much all of our travel. Ok, even in Michigan it was my responsibility, but we travel a lot more over here, so I've gotten a LOT more practice recently. Sometimes, one of the hardest parts of planning a trip is deciding where to go! Thankfully, whenever I am having ''trip block'' (kind of like writers block, #firstworldproblems), I take a look at our never ending Bucket List and pick something from there or browse Pinterest for some inspiration.

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A Wedding and 'Merica

A Wedding and 'Merica

It's been a while since we last posted, but there was a good reason for it.  I promise.  Aaron was in Washington until last Saturday and I was in Michigan this past weekend to two close friends tie the knot.  I am so glad that I was able to be there to celebrate with them.  Cari was a beautiful bride and Murray seemed so excited to be marrying the love of his life.

The other awesome part about this last weekend?  Seeing my sisters and being in 'Merica!  Some of them I had seen in the past couple of months, the others I hadn't seen in quite a while.  I realized how much I miss them all and miss having friends close by

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