Learning to Cook in Budapest

Learning to Cook in Budapest

During the planning stages of our Budapest trip, I read another blogger’s post in which she took a cooking class in Greece while there on a solo trip. Suddenly, a light bulb went off in my head. Aaron and I love eating, we love trying local food, we love cooking. Of course we would love a cooking class! I swear, in all our years traveling, I’m not sure why we never even thought about taking a cooking class before. In retrospect, I feel like we missed out on some amazing experiences - Paella in Barecelona, something involving complicated cooking techniques in France, pasta in Italy, heck, even apple strudle in Germany. I barely finished reading the that post, before immediately googling “Cooking class in Budapest.” Much to my chagrin, there were quite a few to choose from!

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A Food Diary of Prague

A Food Diary of Prague

Eastern European food is good old fashioned comfort food. Meat and potatoes, in one form or another, make up the majority of the cuisine. Dumplings, goulash, and sauerkraut are among the staples found on every traditional Czech menu. You really can't go wrong with any restaurant in Prague, as long as you pick one that is not on a main square (if you go on a walking tour, ask your guide for a recommendation of where he or she goes!), and has some people already eating. Of course, when we travel, we play the tourist and take pictures of our food - usually before we dig in, but sometimes it looks too good, so we dig in, and THEN remember to take the picture. So, without any further ado, here's what we ate in Prague!

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Foods to Try at German Christmas Markets

Foods to Try at German Christmas Markets

Half the fun of visiting the Christmas markets in Germany is trying the food. There are, of course, lots of traditional things to try that are found throughout Germany, but many markets also have local favorites that you can buy as well. Aaron and I each have a couple of favorites, and sometimes, when I don't feel like cooking dinner, will just run down to the market and get stuff there to eat. Now, it's not necessarily healthy, but it sure is tasty! If you're planning a trip to Germany this December and are planning on visiting the Christmas markets, here are some foods that you should definitely try. Depending on the market, you may find all of them, or just a few. In any case, I'm sure that you will find something warm and tasty to eat. Guten Appetit!

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What We Ate in Barcelona - A Food Diary

What We Ate in Barcelona - A Food Diary

Let's just say this, the food in Spain ruined all food for us for a long time. When we got home, we actually had trouble feeding ourselves because nothing sounded as good as the tapas that we ate in Barcelona. Almost everywhere we went, we ate tapas. I realize that there are many other foods to eat in Barcelona, but the price and portion, not to mention all the different varieties to choose from of tapas are pretty much perfect. They're even more perfect when paired with a sangria (for Aaron) or a virgin mojito (for me). So wanna see some of the amazing food we consumed?

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How I Plan Our European Adventures

How I Plan Our European Adventures

Since moving to Germany, it has become my responsibility to book and arrange pretty much all of our travel. Ok, even in Michigan it was my responsibility, but we travel a lot more over here, so I've gotten a LOT more practice recently. Sometimes, one of the hardest parts of planning a trip is deciding where to go! Thankfully, whenever I am having ''trip block'' (kind of like writers block, #firstworldproblems), I take a look at our never ending Bucket List and pick something from there or browse Pinterest for some inspiration.

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American Food in Germany

American Food in Germany

There are few things that I miss food wise living in Germany.  The way we eat (lots of produce, fresh meat, not a lot of processed foods) is very conducive to living here.  The weekly markets are a great place for produce.  And the grocery stores carry a decent selection of meats, dairy and non-perishable items that we may need.  In general, we haven't had trouble feeding ourselves over here and have actually enjoyed incorporating some more German specialties into our meals (spätzle anyone?).  Although, I wouldn't object if someone wanted to open a Taco Bell over here, or a decent Mexican place.  Anyone?

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