Tips For Traveling With Kids - Part 3 - Packing

Tips For Traveling With Kids - Part 3 - Packing

In our third installment of tips for traveling with kids, we are going to cover my most hated task - packing. But, we've found a few ways to help make this necessary burden a little more bearable and we'd like to share those tips with you.

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Tips For Traveling With Kids - Part 2 - You've Arrived!

Tips For Traveling With Kids - Part 2 - You've Arrived!

So you've survived the drive, flight, or train - or even all 3! - and finally arrived at your destination. Now what? After a few years of travel, we've picked up a few tips and tricks that make our vacation a little easier with kids in tow.

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Tips For Traveling With Kids - Part 1 - Getting There

Tips For Traveling With Kids - Part 1 - Getting There

We've done a lot of travel with our kids; I think that's pretty evident from the blog here and shouldn't be a huge surprise to anyone. I belong to a few Facebook groups and the one thing that I see asked over and over again, "We are headed to X with our toddler. Any tips for the long flight?" I also get asked if I have any tips for traveling with kids by many of my friends. Of course I have tips! So many tips! But, I've gotten tired from writing out the same one over and over again, and figured that writing a blog post about it would be easier for everyone. Most of these were learned the hard way, some were shared with us by fellow travelers, and others seemed natural to us, but have gotten the, "That's brilliant!" response from others.

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7 Reasons Why You Should Travel With Your Baby

7 Reasons Why You Should Travel With Your Baby

It's not a secret that whenever Aaron and I travel, we of course take Evelyn along with us. It's partly from necessity - we don't have family close by to watch her over night - but we also love to expose her to different countries, regions, cultures, languages and food, even though she might not remember it at her age. Nonetheless, we think travel, in whatever form you can do it, is important. It helps break down barriers, makes you more open-minded and sensitive to others situations, and exposes you to - literally - a whole world of experiences. When Evelyn was born, we vowed to continue traveling because we feel it is so important, and to always include her (and any subsequent children we may have) in our plans. Plus, we love traveling and want to pass that on to Evelyn, and any future kids we have! In case you're on the fence about packing up and jetting off somewhere with a baby, here are some reasons WHY you should totally do it!

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