Fire Dancers and Ladyboys

Fire Dancers and Ladyboys

Since we did so much diving, we didn't really spend much time exploring the island of Mindoro (the island that Puerto Galera is on).  We had heard about fire dancing and other entertainment in another town not too far away, White Beach.  So one night, we decided to skip the night dive and head that way.  Thankfully, a couple of the dive masters at the resort were interested in going.  We grabbed a Jeepny in the town of Sabang and headed over there.  It was about a 20 - 25 minute ride from Sabang to White Beach and when we got there, the driver dropped us off in a parking lot.  Had it been just Aaron and I, I'm not sure we would have found the actual beach.  Thankfully, PJ, PJ's girlfriend, and Jake came with us and they knew where to go! 

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Muck Diving in the Philippines

Muck Diving in the Philippines

Last week we talked about the reef diving we did in the Philippines. Today, we are talking about the other type of diving: muck diving.  This isn't the kind of muck that is found in inland lakes, the kind that you sink ankle deep into when you step into it, and goes 'sluuuurp' when you pull your foot out (or, would, if it wasn't underwater).  This muck is more or less sand, and isn't ''mucky'' at all.  When I heard muck diving, I was just a little grossed out (see my description of what I though muck meant above), and I thought there wouldn't be much to see.  Boy was I wrong.  I had NO idea that we would see that much stuff diving over sand.

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