Heidelberg - Round 2

This week, a couple of my sorority sisters were in town and we were able to meet up!  They came to stay a couple nights with us and since Mannheim isn't a very touristy town, we headed over to Heidelberg, which is very touristy.

We started off by heading to the castle.  After a couple mishaps with the GPS...

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German Apothecary Museum

Within the walls of the Heidelberg Castle is an Apothecary Museum.  So, obviously, being the lover of museums that I am (and really cool doors, but that's another story for another day), I insisted that we go in.  We breezed through it pretty quickly.  There were quite a few people and I didn't spend a lot of time reading the little information ....

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Heidelberg Castle

With Mannheim explored, the apartment chosen, and some friends made, we had one more day before we needed to head home to Michigan for a few weeks.  The small town of Heidelburg is only a few minutes away from Mannheim (seriously, everything is so much closer together in Germany).  The two are closer than Ann Arbor and Detroit.  All you Michiganders, ....

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