Knutfest: Christmas Tree Throwing

Knutfest: Christmas Tree Throwing

The Christmas tree has a unique tradition in Germany. In fact, it is where the Christmas tree started. Originally, a pine tree was cut from the local forest around Christmas eve, brought inside, lit with real (!) candles, and decorated. Not much has changed in how the Germans utilize a Christmas tree. While some opt for a fake tree, or one with electric lights for slightly less of a fire hazard, many of them still put up their tree on Christmas Eve and decorate it then. It remains decorated until January 6, known to many as the Epiphany, when the three wise men arrived to honor the birth of Jesus. After that, the trees are taken down, and most are discarded by the local refuse collection. However, in one small town in the German state of Rheinland-Pfalz, a more interesting and festive way has emerged - Knutfest, a Christmas tree throwing competitions!

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