Barefooted Adventures

Barefooted Adventures

June was a pretty low key month for us. After our crazy busy schedule in April and May, a few quiet weekends at home were definitely in order. On one of these quiet weekends at home, we had a pretty interesting experience at one of the most unique parks I think I have ever been to. But let's back up for a bit, give a little bit of background. One of the ways we have tried to make friends here has been by going to different Meet Up events. There are quite a few expat groups between Heidelberg and Frankfurt, so finding them isn't the problem, but finding the time to go is! There is a hiking group in Frankfurt and they were headed to a park about 20 minutes west of there called Barfusspfad, a reflexology park in which people are barefoot and walk over things. Interested yet? We were too and decided to check it out!

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